Monday, December 31, 2007


We had a great trip Oz stayed with my parents he was never in his cage during the day the kids played with him all the time... He had a ball! we missed him alot though!!!!

He took the best shower ever the other day he was diving down into the running water flaping his wings and everything!

His wings are now almost compleatly grown in and he is learning to fly we cant decide if we are going to let him stay flighted or if we are goign to clip again

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Ok so med giving is getting a bit better I was able to do it myself today though he was not very happy about it!

On happyer notes my family is going to watch Oz while we go on our cruise so he will get lots of love an attention!


Last night we took oz for dinner at my parnets it was fun! Oz loved the attention!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

picture of Oz and my sister

well after strugling with him for 3 days I'm off to the vet this morning to see if they can give me some medicating tips! Heres hoping :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

He Hates it

Well its official Oz hates hates HATES Cipro the antibiotic he is on!!! When he sees me with the syringe he runs! so now I'm filling it out of site but still he fights and fights when we try to give it to him yesterday it took 3 trys just to get the meds in and not on his head!

He also has stopped talking I'm wondering if its b/c he is mad at us! I hope it starts back up after he is doen with the meds.

The place that we are boarding him said that they will continue to give them to him while we are away! (on an off topic note: I'm so excited about the cruise but I'm going to really really miss and worry about Oz)

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Well Ozzie HATES his medications... I have to wrap him in a towel to give it to him from a syringe. He fights it tooth and nail!!!! I feel almost guilty even though I know that it is for his own good!

Anyway he was really quiet today he seemed like he was in a daze I wonder if the meds working makes him a bit tired!!!!

We are going on a cruise a week from Sunday I need to check with the place I'm boarding him to make sure she will give him the antibiotics if not I'll have to work on finding another place (I have an option but I dont really know the lady so it woudl make me a bit nervous, though she seems really nice I have never met her in person.)

Friday, December 7, 2007

First Blog

We got Oz from some wonderful people who could not keep him anymore he is a 3yearold male eclectus we love him so much we've had him for about a month now.

I took him to the vet today for a well bird checkup he has an infection so he has to go on some antiebiotics should be interesting...

I'm hoping to keep this updated at least once week.
Ps I'll post pics latter